About The Rape Crisis Center
The Rape Crisis Center of Coastal Horizons Center, Inc. offers FREE and CONFIDENTIAL services to victims of sexual violence and their friends, family and loved ones.
RCC Services
- 24-hour crisis response
- 24-hour crisis hotline
- Law enforcement advocacy and accompaniment
- Court advocacy and accompaniment
- Assistance with Crime Victim's Compensation
- Assistance with the filing of protective orders
- Information and referrals
- Individual therapy
All therapy services are facilitated by licensed clinicians utilizing evidence-based treatments such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TFCBT).
Community Outreach
Awareness and Education Presentations
- Sexual Violence 101 - Presentation including the "need to know" information on sexual violence.
- Coffee and Consent - Presentation explaining the basics and necessity of consent in a relaxed environment.
- Safe Zone - LGBTQ awareness and ally training.
- Human Trafficking 101 - Exploring the topic of human trafficking, identifying victims, and its impact on the Cape Fear region.
- Secondary / Vicarious Trauma - Knowledge on secondary trauma and learning how to take care of oneself while working with trauma.
- Shifting Boundaries - Focus on boundaries, bullying, sexual harassment, and how to report in middle schools.
- Birds, Bees, and Sexting - Open discussion with parents/guardians on sexual health talk throughout childhood.
- Bar Outreach Efforts - Bystander Intervention, Consent-messaging, and Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault resources for local breweries and bars.
- Bringing in the Bystander - High school program - encourages students to advocate for themselves and others to prevent sexual and interpersonal violence and harassment. Students learn to identify problem situations and learn practical skills for safe and effective intervention.
For more information on how to schedule a virtual presentation with RCC staff or community resources,
please call our office line at 910-392-7185.

The Safe Zone Project is a free online resource for creating powerful, effective LGBTQ+ awareness and ally training workshops.
We offer free Safe Zone Workshops. Please call our office for more information.